Power Savers - Climate

Age: 9-11 years

Type: Teacher Resource

Curriculum Links to: English

The Power Savers - Climate has been rated 1 stars


Power Savers fosters pupils’ digital creative skills as they plan, film and edit a persuasive video about the climate crisis. They learn how to use a video editing tool through tinkering and then apply what they have learnt as they create their videos. Their videos are made up of video footage, text, images, voice overs and audio.

LESSON TIMING: Three 1 hour lessons

This lesson in your curriculum


Curriculum aims

  • can evaluate and apply information technology – including new or unfamiliar technologies – analytically to solve problems

Subject content

  • select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content
  • use search technologies effectively


Writing - Composition

  • plan their writing by: identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing drawing on reading and research where necessary